
Asphalt will be reinforced in the Huanta -Las Vegas-Huyllapampa-Ayacucho section for the safety of carriers

Ayacucho, September 2, 2013.- As part of the maintenance works of the Huancayo–Ayacucho highway, ICCGSA announces the start of the recycling works of the existing surface in order to place a new asphalt surface in the section: Huanta -Las Vegas-Huyllapampa-Ayacucho.

The road manager of ICCGSA, Rubén Manco, explained that a modern recycler would be used for these works. This recycler is state-of-the-art machinery that removes and injects asphalt emulsion, mixing the components in order to have a new 2-inch thick structural base resistant to the current traffic and adverse climate effects.

Due to these works, the company ICCGSA informed that it will restrict vehicle traffic every day. “In order to complete these works, a restricted closure will be required starting at 7 a.m., and vehicles will be allowed to pass in a controlled manner every hour until 6 p.m. We urge carriers to be patient until the maintenance works starting on Monday, September 2, are completed”, he said.

Finally, Mr. Manco urged drivers to drive safely on the Huancayo-Imperial Izcuchaca– Huanta highway, administered by Provías Nacional of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. “Drive prudently on this highway and use the horn in each sharp curve to avoid accidents”, he warned.
